Sony revealed the PlayStation 4 back in February, CEO Andrew House claims the new console will give players "experiences that will surpass (their) wildest expectations . The new console will feature a single chip x86-64 AMD Jaguar processor with 8 cores, a 1.84 AMD Next-Gen Radeon based graphics engine, 8 GB memory, and 6X Blu-Ray/8X DVD player.
PlayStation 4's new "Dual-Shock 4" controller will include a touch pad, and a lightbar, which will allow a separate camera to track players movement in 3D for motion sensing games.
The new PlayStation 4 is said to be the first to offer 4K resolution capability. Which is rare, mostly due to the fact that the 4K technology is expensive. The new resolution capability of 3840 x 2160 up from the PlayStation 3's 1920 x 1080. We all know how prices have dropped with Plasma, LCD, and LED technology in recent years, 4K technology will too. 4K technology is on sale now with a hefty price tag.
Drive Club
Infamous: Second Son
Killzone: Shadow Fall
Watch Dogs
Rumors are flying, and it is suggested that owners will have the ability to stream games from the cloud or play games from a Digital download. Backward compatibility may be a draw back, some report that old PlayStation games will be available for download, but owners may have to pay a fee to download them.